YoYo!!!! MM081-1 have Keep Skin group!!
We participate in MM got game and we have two group in our class who participate this game. First group named Soor High (Wee Mei,Wee Hang, Fann and Keivyn)~ Second group is Keep Skin (Me, Ting, Siaw Wei and Kimm).
Firstly, my group participate for just playing around and we feel that we might be the first one who "keep skin".
First game is Wii Fits boxing. Soor High group go first, and their group tag is " we are the soor high my friend~keep skin lah"(sing). Feel so sorry for them because they face a strong group, then they really keep skin already. But nevermind! Our MM soul is still there! Thanks for Soor High group give support to us!
Then we are the last group battle and our tag is "Soor High! Keep skin la!". Kimm go first~ and guess what? She won!! Haha... Because "the guy cannot stand up"? Haha... But I feel is our Kimm geng! Haha...
Then we battle with another group in another game which is tennis. We have won too.
Now semi- final we battle with our "mistery guess" that is our lecture group, which build with MM head , Yenny and two guy lecture(wai khong also got participate for 1 round). Yes, they won but Yi Wei tell us to stay and say lecture group are disqualify so treat as we win.
Then the last round is we battle with class MM078 with is 4 guys... They are quite strong who fight our SoOr High group. We battle using another game which is Wario... Is quite challenging and yet is fun!
Haha!!! Sure our Keep Skin group won la! Then we have photo section. After that we have dinner with MM078 group. LOL!!! Each of us won a 8G pendrive. This is the first time I feel my class is a class(=.=") What am I saying? Any where, today is a good day, memorable and fun day!
Thanks for
Wee Mei
All of my team's member!!!
MM0811!!!!! Com'on! WE CAN SHOW TEAM WORK AS WELL!!!! Gambatte!!!